CCTV financial leading lady Wang Xiaoya, under precise measurement and professional advice of SAINT ANGELO elite quantity team, Xiaoya selects a zig-zag suit style and a pure grey shirt. In July, after trying complete set of clothing, Xiaoya says: “you know me really, fitting is second, to my taste is more important.”

Liu Kaiwei
On November 1, 2011, Mr. Liu Kaiwei with good reputation of “the first niche of the republic of China”, came to Wenzhou at the invitation of SAINT ANGELO. Participated in opening ceremony of TOMBOLINI Wenzhou international hotel of SAINT ANGELO’s agent brand. On the same day, SAINT ANGELO Italian technicians tailored Liu Kaiwei, and accompanied him to pick fabrics, color and style.
After listening to the advice of the technologist, Liu Kaiwei booked a set of slim plaid fashion suits. After receiving the garment, Liu Kaiwei also specially commissioned assistant to render thanks, he liked the workmanship and the design of this suit very much.

Bao Xiaobo, born on April 28, 1967, in Taipei city, Taiwan China,is Taiwan male singer, actor and musician.
As judge of the 6th SAINT ANGELO new artistic figures in show field, he wore formal dress tailored by SAINT ANGELO, to attend the awards ceremony.
In Mr. Bao’s words: “True blue will never stain, gold-plated is afraid of paint loss”. SAINT ANGELO’s full - line individualized clothing waits for your inspection, the gold will shine.

Ji Yu ever presides over CCTV News, Half-Hour Economy, now is the
host of China Business News.
In 2014, SAINT ANGELO won the specified host dress of China central television (CCTV) - 2, on May 26, built an elite team to CCTV tailor the hosts.
Combining Ji Yu’s hosting style and screen image, SAINT ANGELO craftsmen customized him a light blue,widespread collar, box pleat front shirt and a blue two-button flat-collar suit.

On November 8, 2011, popular actor Du Chun came to Hangzhou, at the invitation of SAINT ANGELO, attended agent brand TOMBOLINI Hangzhou tower store opening ceremony.

"High quality uncle”, “Father of China” Guo Tao stars wearing whole lines of SAINT ANGELO in the new play "two families in Wenzhou”,
Incisively and vividly deduces "noble, elegant, delicate" SAINT ANGELO brand features!
From "formal master" to "complete category private custom", from "the host customizing dress" to "actors dress preferred sponsor brand", SAINT ANGELO are revealing Wenzhou spirit belonging to Wenzhou people.

over trump card variety program "very 6 + 1". In 2014, SAINT ANGELO won specified host clothing of CCTV channel two..

The famous history professor, "lecture room" special speaker Mr. Wang Liqun is the "die-hard fan” of SAINT ANGELO.
He expressed his heartfelt admiration to SAINT ANGELO’s excellent craft. In addition to customize many sets of SAINT ANGELO suit, Professor Wang, also chooses "collar fashion model" of Chinese tunic suit as “robe” to attend historical lecture activities.

Chen Weihong, the current host of CCTV program "dialogue", in 2014, SAINT ANGELO won host specified dress of CCTV - 2, on May 26, formed an elite team to tailor hosts. On the tailoring day, Chen Weihong, dressed in a dark blue printing t-shirts, simple and agile, low profile and abled. In the tailoring process, also reflects its gentle side, and cooperate with craftsmen very tacitly. Integrating his body style and hosting style, craftsmen customized a formal and modern British suit for him.

Xie Yingying
Xie Yingying, the Angel Host of First Time in CCTV Financial Channel, in the process of tailoring, she was unassuming, tacitly cooperate with tailors.
She is a lady of little words, after listening to the opinions of the craftsmen and stylist, chose black-matrix blue-stripe gun-collar suit, inside taking white neck shirt.
In July, while trying the customized “shirt", she was very satisfied, smiled and said "the collar of my shirt fit perfectly, not like a traditional shirt, neckline will open while holding my head high."

Chen Beibei
Chen Beibei entered the CCTV channel two and began the hosting career, from now on she was irrevocably committed to food, fashion and travel. As the host of hit show "Is that true", First time, Chen Beibei performed well, forming the unique style of hosting.